It has been a privilege and a blessing to meet with Austin special needs ministry directors for the last four months. We are a small group of committed, humble, compassionate people growing in our understanding and support of those challenged by special needs. As a group we represent a variety of faith expressions, suburban and urban locations, young and old congregations, as well as a variety of financial and ethnicity backgrounds. I absolutely love it!!
We discuss a variety of topics related to special needs and share as many ideas as we can so we don't have to "reinvent the wheel" over and over again. I am grateful for the millennials in the group that have set up a google drive to share ideas on!
If you live in the Austin area and serve the special needs community, we would love to have you join us. We meet every first Monday from 11 am - 1 pm in the For The City Center 500 East St. Johns Ave Austin, Texas 78752.
On January 2 we will have a special speaker, Jeannette Holahan, Education Co-Chair for DSACT. She will share spiritual and education tips for working with students with Down Syndrome. She has a great wealth of knowledge as a professional and as an incredible mom.
If you would like to join us, contact Deana Boggess at