Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Words - Proceed with Caution

I have had a romantic relationship with words for probably ten years now.  I collect them.  I dress them up.  I simplify them.  I take them on outings to see what it is like to be around them.  I add some.  I loose some.  I find out what works best for me.  But most of all, I think about how they affect the people around me.

I must say I fail miserably sometimes.  They often come out of my mouth way too quickly without a thought of how they will be received.

It has saddened me that we are all becoming too sensitive about words but in the last couple of years I have heard stories that have helped me understand why.  When someone finds a word soul-piercing there is usually a reason.  A reason that I would never care to experience.

I must love someone enough to look for words that give hope, that diminish the hurt and extend the possibilities.

Words -
Proceed with caution.

Sunday, July 1, 2018

I have two beautiful and amazing daughters and I couldn't be more proud of them.  I consider it a tremendous privilege to be their momma.  I truly don't deserve such precious gifts.

My oldest daughter will be celebrating a birthday soon and I will share more about her in August when it is her special day.  Today is my youngest daughter's birthday and I have been reminiscing about the joy she has brought to our family all these years.

As a child Sarah was very quiet, had a great wit about her, and loved to play and imagine.  I loved watching her play with her sister and use her imagination.

As she was growing up she was often mistreated by peers and it overwhelms my heart to even think about it.  As a momma I wish I could have shielded and protected her more.  I wish I had more answers than questions as a mother.  As a young woman she endured even more trials and they, too, broke my heart.  

The storms she weathered have made her such an incredible person, however.  Sarah is the epitome of "grace without margins."  She has learned the meaning of grace and continually extends it to a variety of people.  Those that are in the margins have been gifted with a beautiful advocate that will help them out of those margins.  Sarah continually reaches out to a variety of people that have felt left out or wounded or need a voice.  I couldn't be more proud of the strength and beauty she possesses.  

Happy Birthday, Sarah!  
You are an amazing young woman.  
I love you!  Mom