Monday, September 7, 2015

Simple, Yet Intricate

As I have shared before, I am taking the Beyond Suffering course offered by the Christian Institute on Disability.  I am only on my second week out of 16 and I can tell it will be life-altering.

I have been involved in disability ministry, in one way or another, for 22 years.  I have been exposed to a great deal of information over the years.  I have experienced a variety of new situations and I have been blessed by knowing some amazing people, but what I am humbled by, is how much I don't know.

At this point in time it is absolutely overwhelming to me and even discouraging in a sense, that one can never be an expert on a group of people. Every new person you encounter is going to be different, there is always more to learn, and on a daily basis, another way for each of us to be humbled.

The beauty of this course is that it levels the playing field.  The more I learn about disability ministry, the more I embrace the truths we all have in common:

  • We are ALL made in the image of God.
  • We are ALL sinners in need of grace and forgiveness.
  • We ALL have gifts that can impact the world.
  • We ALL may need an accommodation for that gift to shine.
  • We ALL have weaknesses or challenges that can be used to show God's power.
      It is really that simple! And it is really that intricate!

One of my homework assignments is to get to know someone new that has a disability.  I am really looking forward to it!  

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