Thursday, April 12, 2018

Is Love Your Motivation?

The "One Another" verses of the New Testament encourage us 59 times, 15 of which are to "love one another" or "love each other."  The one I love the most for special needs ministry is to "Love one another deeply from the heart," I Peter 1:22.

As people come across our path in life, we will make decisions about what the relationship will look like.  At the very least we need to respect them and treat them with kindness.  Some people we will develop an acquaintance that will leave a lasting impression.  With others we will develop a love but may not have the opportunity to cultivate a deeper relationship.  And then there are those that become a part of our heart and we become part of theirs.  We know each other's story.

The people that have caused me to slow down and pay attention have become some of the biggest loves of my life.  Of course my family fits into that category, but there are others.  When I first met Frances 35 years ago, I had no idea the uniqueness that love would hold.  She was a victim to a stroke and could no longer read or write and even speak.  I had to hear and understand her story.  I had to find new ways to communicate.  I was her companion for a year in college and the journey we walked together left a lasting impression on me.

When we "Love one another deeply from the heart," we have taken the time to know the the challenges and the strengths of an individual.  We know the whole story and love them more for it.  In special needs ministry, love is a beautiful motivator.  The cause, the perspective, and the need are great motivators but when they are partnered with love,  it is not the "ministry" that matters but the people living within it.  The blessing is loving them deeply and from the heart.

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