Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Explaining Autism to Children

I am excited to share this great video on autism.  Summer is a great time to talk to your children about a variety of topics and have the time to discuss them.  Thankfully our children are getting the opportunity to be with children with autism but often they don't build relationships because so many questions are left unanswered.  This is a great tool to help them build relationships.


Here are some discussion questions you may want to use:

What things are you good at?
What things are difficult for you?
Isn't it great that God made us all different?
Do you know anyone in your school with autism?
Have you ever talked to him/her?
Do you have any questions?  (Don't be afraid of questions because you can research and learn together if you don't know the answer)
What could you and your classmates do to help him/her feel more comfortable and more included?

For more information you may want to visit:  https://www.facebook.com/SPEDPH/?hc_ref=ARQpjeb0dVn2ojlHMuMBchumDcTNTP2_1h3oSQOGlQDzekjxGakHfEO2ddNbD8rdkeI&fref=nf

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