Saturday, February 4, 2012

A Sturdy Oak Tree

     Today we took another church through special needs ministry training.  Along with detailed training, we shared our passion, our journey, our lessons learned, our joys, and most of all, our love for children.
     As I listened to Bill speak today, I looked at a picture we had taken about twelve years ago at one of our respite evenings we called "Parents Night Out."  Bill had dark hair then and a few less "life lines" on his face, but the compassion and empathy in his voice is richer every time I hear him speak.  Bill reminds me of a sturdy oak tree.  It has weathered many storms, but it remains steady and strong and continually reaches out to provide shelter and shade for those that need it.
     I am so grateful that God not only blessed me with a wonderful ministry to serve in, but with a ministry partner that supports, sharpens and challenges me.  I am looking forward to the rest of the journey...

1 comment:

  1. Deana,
    What a blessing you and your husband share--to minister together. May your journey together continue to bless each other and others. Love ya!
