Monday, January 12, 2015

Speak Life by Toby Mac

Speak Life
by Toby Mac

A wonderful friend just shared with me the song, "Speak Life," by Toby Mac.  She said special needs ministry reminds her of this song.  I agree.  It reminds me of ministry in general.  Do we intentionally speak life into those we love, those we serve, and those we minister to?

It is late and I should probably go to bed but I am sitting here thinking about the people that "speak life" to me.  Tim and Cindy Hawks, Beth Moore, Steffani Wilkins, my parents, my children, my grandchildren and my students, they all speak life to me.

Years ago, whenever I would go running or for a healthy walk, I would start off by listening to the theme from "Rocky."  I can't think of a better song to get you motivated.  Listening to "Speak Life" gets me energized for ministry, discipleship, training, and teaching in the classroom.  I thought I would share it with you.  I hope it energizes you as well.

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